Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So true, it's very hard to please everyone.  As I slept and woke up, there's a pain inside of me, knowing that I've haven't pleased someone.  It really hurts! Yes, but.. what can I do? I'm not in the position to do it.  There's always hindrances along the way that sent this alien feeling for me. So, I had to turn to prayer to discern what's this all about. Guilt ?  a little bit of it... But, I'm so hopeful that someday, somehow, there's someone, somewhere that can please that somebody I haven't done a favor. Co'z I'm sure, God's way is better than mine -  and I thank God for that...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

h O w

It only takes a minute
don't just sit and wait
time is running too fast
days will just past.

do whatever is needed
no time for hard headed
think of possible ways
for life is a maze.

h O w ...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Be a WiNnEr

Smile -  to everyone
think of someone
who makes you happy
at your side everyday...

Try - something new
within you, talents to show
don't hesitate to do it
For sure, you can make it...

Act -  whatever you want
grow and sway like a plant
don't  be too shy
reach the sky...

Negotiate - with someone
something wrong you've done
talk and settle,  right after,
do you  feel better"?

Dance... like no one's watching
enjoy whatever your doing
just relax, free your mind
a way to unwind....

STAND  up!
be a risk taker,

and a winner after !


Music? well, so good to hear
Sometimes get people near
It's like a movie to watch 
Imagine you're  to act.

New songs? you cant relate

But still trying to navigate
Like a bird, humming
The mind,  relaxing....

Old songs? so good,

Giives nice mood
Bring back memories
Sharing so much happines.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Gift

Cute wee angels
Charming like jewels
Bring here something
A strange feeling!

For them, it’s happiness
For us, it’s blessedness
An awesome craft You sent
Gives so much enjoyment.

What a gift You give
Blessings we receive
Thank you so much, Oh, God!
For these kids,  we have.

            Three happy children jumping at once    

Here in my heart

Childhood,  my childhood
With friends feel so good
Memories still in my mind
In dreams so hard to find.

Oh, how nice to remember
Funny moments together
Little things and laughters
Still here in my ears.

Hoping that someday
Be together happily
Childhood best of friends
In my heart, 'till the end.